cow milk - 1/2 litre
honey - 1 spoon
cow ghee - 1 spoon
pippali powder - 1/4 spoon
boil the cow milk till reduced to 3/4 part .add 1 spoon honey ,1 spoon of cow ghee and 1/4 spoon of fried a little pippali powder to the luke warm milk and drink twice a day
uses - cures heart disease, tuberculosis, cough, fever
Weak heart persons and the persons having heriditory heart problems should follow this..
raavi fruits powder 1 spoon
cow milk - 2 cups
sugar candy powder or thati kalakanda - 1 spoon
add 1 spoon of RAAVI FRUITS POWDER to the 2 cups of COW MILK and boil for some time on SIM FLAME ..,then add sugar candy powder ((patika bellam )( mishri))..(sugar patients add thati kalakanda ) and drink twice a day continuously for forty days..
uses - strengthens heart and purifies blood..