Friday 29 June 2018


1. 5 gm of menthi churna with water .take daily in the morning.
2.2 parts of menthi churna, 1 part of thriphala churna , mix the above and make tablets of 5 gm each. take half an hour before meals , twice a day.
3. take turmeric powder , amla powder in equal parts ,mix and  make tablets of 5 gm each ,take befor meals ,twice a day.
4.take 10 young neem leaves , eat them in early morning.
5.5 gm of podapathri churna , take twice a day , before meals.
6. carantia juice / kakara juice - start with 1 spoon , increase the dose every week, till the dose is reached 1/2 glass. take it in the early morning.
7. take thippa theega 5gm , twice a day before meals.