Monday 2 July 2018


Upon feeling ill health , we generally approach doctors.Some of us consults the same doctor regularly , who treated us in past, and on the reference of him go for other doctors, some of us neglect this and approach various doctors each time.A survey conducted on this issue whether it effects the treatment or whats going on,it is confirmed in the survey that the risk of occuring death is very less in the patients who approach the same doctor.They analysed the studies conducted in England,France,Canada,US,South korea, etc 9 countries.
  18 survey results are in favour of the people who  approach the same doctor every time,the death rate is dicreased in these patients, said prof.kamila hapthorn , vc of general physicians royal college.

Why this happened , because ,a good understanding will be developed between the doctor and patient in single same doctor approach,they know very well about each other , she said.It is known that the patients abide by the rules of doctors in this case strictly , this helps a lot in recovery from ill health.